Located oppositely on the stem, the leaf is a simple angiosperm leaf. In general, the shrub grows to a height of 1.8 to 2.4 meters and is about 45 to 60 cm wide. John Kunkel Small (1869-1938), who served as the first Curator of Museums at New York Botanical Garden, and travelled extensively across Florida to document its flora and landmarks. The devil’s backbone plant (also known as zigzag plant, pedilanthus) is a pleasure to grow, despite its common name. Subspecies epithet 'smallii' named after American botanist Dr. Shop National Plant Network Devils Backbone House Plant in 3-Pack Pot 3-Pack in the House Plants department at . What are Devil’s Backbone plant varieties There are three types of Devil’s Backbone, including Variegata, Pulcherrima, Flaming. Species epithet 'tithymaloides' means resembling the genus Tithymalus (defunct, now synonym of Euphorbia) - an ancient Greek name for a group of plants with milky sap. This is a popular indoor plant featuring variegated leaves with green and white. Ancient Greek philosopher Pliny recounted that Juba called a plant he found at Mount Atlas Euphorbia in honour of his physician. Caring for the Devil’s Backbone Plant Devil’s Backbone Appearance. Genus epithet 'Euphorbia' named after Euphorbus - physician to Juba II, King of Mauretania (52BC- 23AD). When the plant flowers you can expect it to produce bright red flowers from mid-spring.

As you notice when looking at the plant you will notice the green stems. As the plant matures you can expect it to reach up to around 2.4 m (8ft) tall. Acrid sap from damaged leaves, stems and roots may irritate skin, toxic if ingested. Euphorbia Tithymaloides is also commonly known as the ‘Devil’s Backbone’. Its also known as slipper flower or zigzag.
#Devils backbone plant. how to
Prefers well-drained soils with medium fertility. The devil’s backbone is an easy-care, low-maintenance tropical plant to grow and nurture. 944 41K views 2 years ago How to Grow and Care for Devils Backbone Plant - Devils Backbone is a succulent that is easy to grow and care for.

Withstands drought, but sheds leaves under extreme dryness. This plant is commonly grown for its attractive succulent foliage. The devils backbone plant is a shrub and may eventually reach three to four feet in height. Subspecies differentiated from species form by cupped leaves and more distinctly zigzag stems. Devils backbone (scientific name euphorbia tithymaloides or pedilanthus tithymaloides) is a succulent plant that also goes by jacobs. But its a common name for several unrelated plants, which is the problem with common names.

Leaves fleshy, crinkled, concavely-cupped like tortoise shells, glossy grey-green with white margins, held close to stems (thus a likely inspiration for its tradename).įleshy, powdery grey-green, zigzag and very upright, exude milky sap when cut or bruised. Succulent herbaceous sub-shrub, up to around 1m height, with erect form and limited branching.